An artists thoughts on cancel culture

An artists thoughts on cancel culture

I am excited to share with you my new illustration 'Human Touch', and the message connected to this piece.

Human Touch

Ink on paper | 8" x 12"

Freedom to communicate

I really enjoyed getting stuck into creating this illustration. I feel like it's themes are so relevant right now, with the weirdness that seems to be happening to 'well known' people. This weirdness I am talking about, is cancel culture, which seems to be possessing people into 'going after' others, with what seems like an intent that is neither helpful, nor positive. 

A fine example is the well known comedian and podcaster, Joe Rogan. He is someone that I do not necessarily always agree with, but someone who, I think, displays only kindness and goodwill in his actions. He has received a lot of negative attention, and also hate recently, for spreading 'misinformation'. God forbid you talk about something or to someone considered controversial, you are at genuine risk of being censored and de-platformed. In this day and age, can you believe it!?

This is not good, we should be able to communicate about anything, this is why freedom of speech is so important, and has stuck around. Without it we cannot be truly free!


Much of the backlash from some of Joe Rogan's conversations has been from main stream media. They have decided that some of the content in these conversations is 'dangerous', and should be deleted from any platform it appears on. Some have gone as far to say that Joe Rogan himself should be completely removed from the platforms he uses - this is censorship, and very disappointing, remember we want to be free!

I will express praise and respect to Spotify for not giving into all the pressure to censor or remove him. Hopefully this pro freedom of speech stance continues. 

Kindness and love 

We are all wonderfully unique and have had different experiences and therefore possess different opinions. This does not mean we must all agree in order to show each other love and kindness. If there is content out there that you do not enjoy, you do not have to listen to it. Find something that you get something from. If you find you are eavesdropping, and you disagree with what's being said, leaving you feeling wound up and judgmental. Remember to judge with compassion. Show your fellow humans love and respect.

'Choose grace over drama' Anne Lamott.

So, to tie this all in with my piece 'Human Touch'. This illustration represents human connection. Whether you agree or disagree with the person sat next to you, on our little rock floating in space, choose love.

Painting process

Here are some behind the scenes moments from my studio. 

Human touch sketches

I have been working mostly in charcoal lately, but this piece was telling me to grab a bottle of ink! I think it is because this illustration has the feeling of fluidity with the calm water landscape and sunset.

In the spirit of kindness to others, you must not forget to be kind to yourself. One of my favourite ways to do this is yoga. I love doing yoga in my leggings and a loose, comfy sweatshirt, so I thought why not make one myself!?

The best way you can support me as an artist so I can continue on my journey of creating is to buy my art, if you purchase one of my illustrated organic sweatshirts you support me, which honestly means the world and you get yourself a super comfy illustrated sweatshirt! 

Yoga Bee sweatshirt

You can check out my other illustrated organic apparel here and art prints here. 

Thank you for reading and for your support x 

illustrated yoga bee t-shirt

Yoga Bee Art Print


All the love

Madeleine - AKA Watercolor artist & The Green Fox xxx

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